Unlocking Tax Credits: Your Guide to Savings

Understanding tax credits is your key to unlocking valuable savings. Here's what you need to know:

Two Kinds of Tax Credits

  1. Refundable Tax Credits: These credits go beyond offsetting what you owe. They allow you to claim a refund for any remaining amount after your tax obligations are covered.

  2. Non-Refundable Tax Credits: These credits are designed to reduce your tax liability up to the amount you owe. Any excess beyond this point is not refundable.

Navigating Credit Eligibility

Most tax credits are tied to specific income or expense criteria, along with limits that influence your eligibility and the credit amount you can claim. At CCL Tax & Accounting, we specialize in ensuring that all applicable credits are legally applied to your income tax return.

A World of Credits Awaits

  • Family and Dependent Credits: Secure the financial well-being of your loved ones with credits designed to support families and dependents.

  • Income and Savings Credits: Maximize your savings potential through credits aligned with your income and savings strategies.

  • Homeowner Credits: Explore credits tailored to homeowners, allowing you to make the most of your investment.

  • Health Care Credits: Navigate the complex world of health care credits to optimize your tax situation.

  • Education Credits: Invest in education while minimizing your tax burden through specialized education credits.

At CCL Tax & Accounting, we're your partners in uncovering the full spectrum of tax credits available to you. It's time to maximize your savings potential and make informed financial choices.

Practicing Jurisdiction

New York
New Jersey


Starting at $120.00